Custom Piece! Tier 1

Custom Piece! Tier 1


Want a custom piece?

It is a delight to build a necklace with one person in mind. Your necklace will be made with unique charms, vintage beads, and gemstones. Findings will be hypoallergenic stainless steel, and you will have the option of silver or gold. Should you prefer a wire-wrapped necklace, you will have the option of silver stainless steel wire, or silver/gold-toned brass wire.

In your note, please include a contact email. I will get back to you with questions about color/style! Turnaround time from initial email to shipping is usually about 2 weeks.

IS THIS A GIFT? Do you want the recipient to be a part of the collaboration? If so, please include their email in the message. If you’d prefer to keep it a surprise, stick with your email. However, please note who it’s for in the message.


  • For guaranteed holiday shipping, order your custom pieces by December 8th.

  • If you don’t need your custom piece made by the holidays (ie if you would prefer the recipient to be a part of the making process), but still want something physical, I will send you a card as a stand-in for the gift on the actual day!! In this case, please order by December 12th! If you simply want an email sent to the recipient, please order by December 21st and in either case, please include the recipient’s email in the order notes.

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